Space engineers weapon mods

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limited production, test of product viability. S1 Space Missile - Three color options (if SM Industries is installed) Functions like the HE-KV-1, it's a radar guided space missile with built in RCS, can maneuver in a vacuum, has a 1000km range, and can survive re-entry! Rail Gun Turret - Three skins available Stock, Canadian CADPAT (replica), Snake and Dragon Scales (with texture switching provided by SM Industries), this is an extremely powerful Tank style/turret mounted rail gun, with a muzzle velocity of 5km/sec and a range of 150km!! Truly Devastating!! The following 3 weapons are also from SpannerMonkey(smce) I did however get the idea from creator of Future Weapons Turbo Laser Turret (almost too OP, may change) This is not copied from another mod, the cfg and sound is original. Light Laser and Medium Laser (Star Wars theme. R2D2 - Advanced probe core with MechJeb capability, and full BDAc weapon manager! It is radar guided with built in RCS, it can maneuver in a vacuum and has a 1000km range. Photon Torpedo - Functions like the HE-KV-1. Some of these parts are super OP, and are meant for pure unadulterated fun and destruction! This mod adds a few weapons and items from Star Trek and Star Wars, as well as a couple of new and original SciFi weapons like a Space missile and a super powerful Rail gun.